What to know about your client care during COVID-19

Latest News and Updates


In our continual efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to keep our clients and midwives safe, we are taking the necessary precautions to limit possible exposure to this virus by asking that clients who are seen in clinic to please not bring any support people to your clinic visit with your midwife. We are also asking that when coming into the clinic you use our hand sanitizer upon entering and wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water after using the washroom. Only our clients will be allowed into the visit to see her midwife, and we ask that support people please wait in their vehicle or outside of the clinic while the visit is taking place.

We will also be reducing the amount of scheduled in-person visits as recommended by our professional associations.

Our first trimester visits will be at 10 or 12 weeks in order to ensure that prenatal screening tests are offered in a timely fashion, We will check in via phone, skype or zoom for visits between 15-26 weeks and an in person assessment at 28 weeks, phone assessments at: 289-201-3311  and in-person assessment at AMMA Midwives Clinic (A05-180 Sandalwood Parkway East, Brampton ON, L6Z 1Y4 until this pandemic is lifted.

Check out our Updates page for the latest information

180 Sandalwood Pkwy East,  Unit 5
Brampton, ON  L6Z 1Y4
Tel: 289-201-3311
Fax: 289-201-3322
Email: admin@ammamidwives.com



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